Sweden’s latest offering of death comes from the mysterious Vampire, a three-piece that recently released its debut self-titled demo tape via Ljudkassett (which sold out in a matter of days). For a band that had no presence prior to the month of September, vocalist/drummer Hand of Doom sheds some light.
“[Guitarist] Black String and I started making music around 2009 with no idea of what we wanted to achieve. After a year or two downing beers and switching instruments, [bassist] Command came along.
“We pre-loaded for the Slayer/Metallica gig at my place and listened to Necrophagia’s impossibly ugly ‘Young Burial’ off New Renaissance’s sampler, ‘Thrash Metal Attack’, which made us agree: this is it. We soon wrote the songs on the demo, which were recorded in April, and hooked up with Ljudkassett during the beginning of summer.”
On their first assault, you will find Possessed-like riffing and Celtic Frost-y grooves, but don’t discredit this three-track tape as a mere tribute.
“Death metal is another form of metal that must be aware of its origin and not strive too far away in order to keep its appeal,” explains the frontman. “However, there’s a difference between influence and inspiration.”
“During the sessions, I was heavily into this bizarre Japanese black metal band called Arkha Sva. There isn’t the slightest audible trace of them in our music but the ‘Geist’ of their music helped me shape our demo.”
But where does Vampire stand in this oversaturated scene? As Mr Doom states; “Many bands today try a little too hard to convince others about the profound significance of their music and lyrics. We, however, are very humble as we know how serious we are with our music. That’s what matters to Vampire: the music.”
Words: Henry Yuan
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